Rachelle was born in Wagga Wagga on Wirdjuri Country in regional NSW and studied Visual Arts at Newcastle University, majoring in Ceramics. Rachelle has taught ceramics and art at Wagga Wagga TAFE, high schools and workshops in a private studio. She has exhibited in Newcastle, Sydney, Wagga, Edinburgh and Amsterdam and is represented in various galleries and private collections in Australia, UK and The Netherlands.

Artist Statement

Image courtesy of Wagga Wagga Art Gallery

‘Working in clay and drawing have been my preferred mediums for the past 30 years, with the human figure forming the predominant theme in both sculptures and drawings. I have always been fascinated with alternative perspectives and this has continued to be the underlying theme of my art practice.

The Murrumbidgee River flooded my house in 2012. I eventually rebuilt my studio but neglected the kiln. I’m not sure why – maybe all that mud! Nevertheless, the flood was the catalyst for a shift in my art practice. I rediscovered my desire to paint and revived my passion for oil painting, with a new focus on landscapes from an aerial perspective.

Aerial views of rivers and natural waterways are completely fascinating. They are a narrative of topographical history and the life source of the present and living. Traces of where they have etched and eroded into rock and soil are exposed in organic fluid lines when viewed from kilometres above, but are a mystery from ground level. My works are an interpretation of satelite images with detail from the paintings reflected in ceramic forms’

2016 Artist in Residence: Riverina TAFE

1998             Graduate Diploma in Education/Secondary/Art: Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga

1990-1991   Post Graduate Diploma in Art/Ceramics: University of Newcastle

1987-1989   Bachelor of Arts/Visual Arts: University of Newcastle